Tuesday, July 19, we welcomed with pleasure the visit to the Romanian Academy in Rome of the well-known group of girls and boys from the summer camp organized by the Orthodox monastery “Ilie Prooroc Tesviteanul” of Rignano Flaminio.
Accompanied by the hieromonac Acctefan, father Aron of the Orthodox parish of Montefiascone and by volunteer teachers and entertainers, 70 girls and boys between the ages of 5 and 17 discovered a small part of the history of the Romanian Academy, in the s 100th year anniversary.
“Can you imagine what a scholar must feel sitting at a desk and studying the books of the largest Romanian library abroad, or a student who crosses the threshold of this Academy, as a scholarship holder? “, is the moving question of one of the young visitors.
This year’s edition of the summer camp, entitled “Promoting Romanian traditions through the eyes of the children of today, of the future of tomorrow”, includes activities that also encourage knowledge of Romanian institutions in Italy, including the cultural representation of Rome. Here some of them had already come there to witness cultural events related especially to traditional cultural anniversaries; and they will always be welcome!
Thank you for your visit and we hope to see you again soon!